The best of both worlds

Partner with Ashworth to grow your dough

We provide innovative solutions for the baking industry.

Ashworth offers a wide variety of both metal and plastic belts for use in commercial baking applications. Customize your belting system to capitalize on the advantages of both materials. When hygiene, strength, longevity, and flexibility are all needed to keep your business moving, look to the Ashworth solutions for every stage of your production line.

Ashworth PosiDrive Spiral® Conveyor Belt Bagel Shot
Ashworth PosiDrive Spiral® Conveyor Belt
Ashworth Cleatrac® Conveyor Belt Cookie Transfer

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Our innovative solutions for the food processing industry include:

Ashworth CB5 Baking Band® Conveyor Belt

CB5 Baking Band®

Ashworth’s woven wire baking bands meet the industry’s highest standards and tightest tolerances to provide proper tracking of compound balanced weave and balanced weave belting. Our model one control rolls are installed on the conveyor at a distance of two to three times the width of the belt from the terminal roll.

Ashworth Advantage™ Conveyor Belt

Ashworth Advantage™

 Ideal for use in food processing applications where product release and sanitation are critical.

Ashworth Spiralflow Conveyor Belt Bread Shot

Ashworth Plastic Belts

An independent technological institute conducted air flow tests to quantify the air pressure drop (air flow resistance) through plastic spiral belts. More air flow results in greater heat transfer, lower dwell times and increased production. Less air resistance also increases the efficiency of evaporator fans, resulting in lower electricity bills. All-plastic belts offer excellent airflow, optimum product support, a unique load sharing design for improved strength, and an easy to clean link rod interface.

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