

Easy assembly and repair with unique connector-less construction


The strongest, most reliable spiral and turn curve conveyor belt available on the market today.

Eye-Link Belts

Versatile steel conveyor belts that can be designed and manufactured to satisfy the most demanding of applications.

WG Woven Wire Conveyor Belts

A closed mesh surface that is extremely strong, flat and supportive

PosiDrive Spiral® System

An alternative to Lotension drive systems for applications where product movement is a problem.

Omni-Grid® 360

Omni-Grid® 360 Weld is offered with a minimum turn ratio of 1.6 times the belt width. An easy retrofit to existing systems

ExactaStack® Belts

A standard belt stacker for companies that need a cost-effective, high quality food processing solution.

PosiDrive Spiral®

An alternative to Lotension drive systems for applications where product movement is a problem.

Flat Wire Conveyor Belts

Since 1951, and they are still among the most versatile and most economical straight-running belts available.


Reliable turn curve and spiral performance since 1959.

Reduced Radius Omni-Grid®

Tight, 1.6 Turn Radius for Small Footprint Applications.

Cleatrac® Belt and Sprocket System

Accurately transfer small products, minimize product damage, and keep your manufacturing process up and running

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