Ashworth bed liners are made from engineered plastics that are highly resistant to chemicals, high temperature, wear, and tear.
Can washers constructed with metal belts that ride directly on metal beds are prone to deterioration due to persistent metal-on-metal contact that occurs during operation. By installing a plastic bed liner from Ashworth, companies can eliminate the need for bed replacement and extend belt life up to a decade or longer. Ashworth bed liners are made from the same engineered plastics used in our plastic hold-down mats for can washer systems that are highly resistant to chemicals, high temperature, wear, and tear.
Advantages of metal belt/plastic liner versus plastic belting
- Industry standard/universal sprockets/off-the-shelf availability
- Eliminates metal-on-metal friction and wear
- Cheaper than plastic belting
- Extends metal belt life
- Material is readily available
- Provides a more thorough can washing process
- Produces less chemical carry-out
- Higher durability, more damage resistant
- Lower costs for repairs and replacement parts