Selecting a Metal Conveyor Belt 

Selecting a Metal Conveyor Belt 

Metal conveyor belts come in different forms and can be customized. The endless possibilities make it easy to be overwhelmed. We will discuss essential product features and benefits to help you decide the right metal belt for your needs.


After deciding a metal belt is suitable for your needs, the next step is to consider where the belt is going and what it is conveying. According to Jonathan Lasecki, Director of Engineering at Ashworth Bros., Inc. "It’s important to consider the ambient conditions of production and what you are trying to do with the product.” For applications, such as freezing, chilling, drying, and cooking, airflow is crucial and can determine the speed at which your product freezes, cools, or cooks. For many applications, Ashworth’s original spiral and turn curve belt, Omni-Flex®, may be the best bet. Facilities across the globe have trusted Ashworth Omni-Flex since 1959 for superior strength and load capacity while allowing excellent airflow to cool or heat products quickly.

"Support is one of the first things you want to consider,” said Lasecki. “When selecting a belt, tension calculations are essential to ensure system function and preserve the life of your belt.”

Tension calculators can be found on Ashworth’s Online Tools. If heavy products and belt wear are a concern, Ashworth’s Omni-Flex belts are also available with patented fatigue resistant pickets which extend the service life of the belt by thirty percent by relieving stress on the picket.

If you are looking for more belt options, Ashworth’s Omni-Grid® family of belts may have just the solution. “If you’re worried about small products or just need more product support for your belt, our Omni-Grid belts are highly customizable.” Omni-Grid is available with diverse mesh overlays, which are customizable to fit various product sizes. Ashworth also offers our Omni-Pro® belt for high-tension applications that require the strongest belt on the market today. Like the Omni-Flex, Omni-Grid Belts can also be used in a variety of applications, including freezing, cooling, cooking, and more.

Replacing Old System

If you are looking to replace an old conveyor, finding the right belt for your system is crucial. An expert from Ashworth can work with you to find an appropriate solution. For example, if you are looking for a replacement self-stacking spiral without having to build a whole new system, Ashworth can offer our ExactaStack® and ExactaStack® XE, which are cost-effective, drop-in solutions that, like all Ashworth belts, are held to high-quality standards.

If product debris is giving you problems with your spiral system, it may be time for an upgrade. Ashworth’s PosiDrive Spiral® system keeps belt tension low, with oily products. It also requires only minor system changes, making it ideal for retrofitting existing systems.

Floor Space

Limited floor space can be a considerable problem in facilities. Several Ashworth belts are available in Small Radius options, including our Omni-Grid and Omni-Flex belt families. Small Radius belts offer tight turn ratios for limited operating space. Omni-Grid Belts are also available in Reduced Radius and Super Small Radius options.


Hygiene is essential for food safety and can increase the life of your belt by reducing debris, unnecessary friction, and weight on the belt. Selecting the right belt can help with hygiene, such as our Omni-Grid® 360 belts. They feature a 360 buttonless weld, which ‘builds-in” hygiene by eliminating the cracks and imperfections seen in traditional welds. The 360 weld reduces bacteria entrapment and leads to easier sanitation.

There are many factors to consider when selecting a conveyor belt; you don’t have to figure it out alone. With over 75 years in the conveyor belt industry and a team of professionals dedicated to providing solutions, Ashworth is here to help. As the only major manufacturer of both metal and plastic conveyor belts, we at Ashworth are experts in helping you decide what belt is the best solution for you. Call us today at 1-800-682-4594 or request a quote on our website.

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